I guess it is a sign of my age but I served with both of the gentlemen who were mentioned earlier today. I served with Carlo Rossi. It was mentioned that he was a man of his word. Something that was not mentioned was that he was the chief negotiator for hostage takings in Montreal. Whenever there were hostage takings they would call on Carlo Rossi and he would go in and negotiate with the people. He was a man of great courage.
In 1972 members may recall the Olympics in Munich, Germany, when hostages were taken, citizens of Israel, and were shot almost summarily by terrorists. It was not known to me until one night when we were talking that Carlo Rossi was in charge of the security at the Olympics of 1976 in Montreal.
The hon. minister of public works mentioned Carlo's voice. Yes, it was a voice that carried. I recall one time, when we used to work out in the Confederation Building, that I heard someone singing Christmas carols. I went in to get changed and there was only one person there. It was Carlo and he was getting dressed. I said “Carlo, who was the fellow who was singing in here?” He said “It was me”. I said “Come on, you can't sing like that”.
About two weeks later I heard him sing Ave Maria at the Christmas party. I know many of you were not here at the time. It was such a beautiful rich voice from a beautiful and in many ways very rich man.
I am glad I had a chance to serve with him. You would have enjoyed him. He was a good member of parliament. He will be missed.
I on behalf of parliament give our most sincere condolences to his family.