Motion No. 9
That Bill C-3, in Clause 15, be amended, in the French version only,
(a) by replacing line 2 on page 13 with the following:
«gereuse causant des lésions cor-»
(b) by replacing line 5 on page 13 with the following:
«façon dangereuse causant la»
(c) by replacing line 10 on page 13 with the following:
«capacité affaiblie causant des»
(d) by replacing line 13 on page 13 with the following:
«avec capacité affaiblie causant la»
Motion No. 14
That Bill C-3, in Clause 22, be amended, in the French version only, by replacing line 5 on page 25 with the following:
«électronique, rendus inaccessibles une fois pour toutes dès que»