Motion No. 45
That Bill C-36, in Clause 36, be amended
(a) by replacing line 11 on page 17 with the following:
“year and next year;”
(b) by adding after line 13 on page 17 the following:
“(e) the names of the five highest paid employees and officers of the Foundation appointed under section 16 and the salary paid by the Foundation to each of these persons;
(f) a summary of all individuals, and businesses that benefitted from contracts for professional services with the Foundation totalling more than $100,000;
(g) any written statement referred to in subsection 168(7) of the Canada Business Corporations Act that has been requested and received by a person described in that subsection, from an auditor described in that subsection;
(h) an executive summary of the findings of any internal audit that has been carried out at the request of the Board; and
(i) such other information as may, by regulation, be prescribed by the Minister of Finance.”