Mr. Speaker, the problem with the Upholder is the Shawinigan . Vessels like the Shawinigan are more than a match for vessels like the Upholder, and the Shawinigan costs a lot less.
The reason the Upholder is a good investment, and I support the government on this, is that we need to have modern submarines in order to play games with the Americans. Basically that is what it amounts to. In order to stay abreast of any submarine warfare we have to have the latest in technology and the Oberon class of submarines is the latest in technology.
I also note that the purchase of the British submarines is basically an exchange deal for time on Canadian ranges for British troops. It is not so much a dollar investment as it is a military exchange with the United Kingdom.
In the end, in tomorrow's world, smaller is better, although I do support, in principle at least, the purchase of the four British submarines.