Mr. Speaker, I support the points which my hon. colleague has made.
This is a very important bill. The three legal opinions that have been rendered were rendered after our committee exhausted its time to call witnesses to explore all avenues on both sides of this issue.
We are now left in the position where the three legal opinions are resting upon all members of parliament with considerable weight and without adequate examination of the positions reflected in those decisions. It certainly puts us at a disadvantage in terms of being able to adequately deal with the opinions at this particular time when we are no longer able to call witnesses before the committee to deal with the issues that have been raised in them.
It is very important in this particular case that we have time to do that. If we do not, then we are simply going to take the weight of those three decisions without examining the rationale that is given within those decisions.
I have only had time to rush through the three decisions this morning. We are going into debate today on this and it is not fair for members of parliament to have to deal with these very weighty decisions without time to adequately consider them or even to call witnesses to get their opinions on the reverse side of the issue.
I support my hon. colleague's point of privilege.