We should not get into a debate on this point of order. As your Speaker I can only say that I do not believe a point of order has been raised. The hon. House leader for the Reform Party has made his point. He has delivered his own message to the government and the government has heard it or argued against it as the case may be.
The Speaker as the presiding officer of the House is not concerned when there is a quorum call as to who is in the House from which side of the House. The count is for the minimum number of 20 members. If 20 members are present the debate resumes. The Speaker is disinterested as to whether it is all government members, all opposition members or a mixture of members from both sides forming the quorum. As such the Speaker is not in a position to tell members from either side of the House who should be in his or her place or how many members should be available for any debate.
In the circumstances we will leave this matter and proceed with the debate.