In so far as Public Works and Government Services Canada and Transport Canada are concerned:
(a) The operator, CTMA Traversier Ltée, identified the availability of a used vessel. There was no public tendering process. As has been the case in the past when it was in the best interest of the public to do so, Treasury Board of Canada has provided approval for the purchase of the M.V. Madeleine , then named M.V. Isle of Inisturk . In acquiring this vessel the Crown benefited from exceptional circumstances as a result of an offer from Irish Ferries Limited to sell the vessel to Canada.
(b) The M.V. Madeleine can carry over 1,000 passengers, 258 automobiles and 29 tractor trailers.
(c) The M.V. Madeleine entered into service on July 5, 1997. During its operating season (between July 5, 1997 and December 31, 1997) the ferry carried 51,790 passengers, 18,424 passenger vehicles and 1,393 commercial vehicles.
Note: The ferry service does not operate between late January and the end of March, depending on ice conditions. In addtion, the M.V. Madeleine underwent a scheduled refit between November 5 to December 5, 1997, during which time the M.V. Lucy Maud Montgomery carried out the M.V. Madeleine 's schedule service.
(d) The subsidy for the 1997 operating year was $2.4 million, which is equal to the amount of the previous year. Subsidy levels are expected to remain the same for the foreseeable future.