Mr. Speaker, in his continuing fight to get compensation for all Canadians who contracted hepatitis C from tainted blood, 15 year old Joey Haché will leave Halifax on his bicycle this Monday and bike across Canada.
As someone who contracted the potentially fatal liver disease from a blood transfusion, Joey is calling his journey “The Cycle of Conscience”. Its purpose is twofold: to draw attention to the plight of hepatitis C victims callously forgotten by the Liberal government and to get a million signatures on a petition which demands that the government extend an offer of compensation to all victims of this tragedy.
I spoke with Joey Haché this morning and asked if there was any message he wanted to give the Prime Minister. He said to tell the Prime Minister that he will not give up until this government does the right thing, and that he is your conscience.
For those who want to wish Joey well on his journey, he will be out on the front steps of the Peace Tower today following question period.
On behalf of all members of this House, I want to wish Joey Haché good luck.