Mr. Speaker, on the occasion of Canada receiving a new ambassador from Iceland, I want to share with members the strong ties that exist between Canada and Iceland.
My Icelandic ancestors first came to the shores of what is now Canada almost 1,000 years ago. Icelandic settlers immigrated to Manitoba as early as 1875 and established the republic of new Iceland on the shores of Lake Winnipeg. Their descendants have made contributions in a wide range of fields, including agriculture, medicine, literature, business and government. They have helped build a better Canada.
Each year in August the Icelandic festival Islundingadaggurin is held at Gimli, Manitoba. I invite all Canadians to Gimli to share the experience.
We of Icelandic ancestry are proud Canadians who have not forgotten our heritage.
I offer my best wishes and full support as our two countries work together toward a closer and stronger relationship based on a longstanding friendship and mutual respect.