Mr. Speaker, the member says he cannot support this particular bill. I find that quite disappointing given the fact that it goes very far in ensuring that judicial independence and impartiality. They are critical to public confidence in the judiciary and by extension to our justice system and are enhanced by this legislation.
The whole issue of judges pensions is very important. Anyone who has looked into the whole issue of judicial impartiality and independence would know that their financial independence is a very crucial issue to being able to act independently, being able to act with impartiality and not having to worry about financial considerations.
I also find it rather disappointing that the member does not support this bill because of the whole issue of the adjustments of the judges salaries. Those salaries need to be brought in line with today's world. This legislation goes a significant way in doing that.
Notwithstanding the fact that he has debated this issue for quite a few minutes now, I do not understand why he cannot support this bill given the fact that it does go a long way to ensuring public confidence in our justice system by ensuring financial independence of the judges.
I am not going to talk about the issue of the unified family courts which is very important as well. We know that there are barriers to women in the legal profession to gain access to our judiciary precisely because of what I would call our archaic rules and conditions for judges pensions. I do not know if the government would call it that, but I would call it that being someone who is part of the legal profession. Personally I would have a very difficult time if anyone had ever considered me to be qualified to be a judge to accept an appointment because of those archaic rules simply on the issue of the pensions and not even talking about the issue of the salaries.
I would like to hear a little bit more from the member on that. I am trying to understand your opposition to this legislation. The NDP is a party that is known or prides itself, justly or unjustly, on being for social justice, on ensuring that all segments of our society receive adequate justice in all spheres, especially social justice, as does this government. I would like to hear a little bit more from you on that.