Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to our peacekeepers in Bosnia-Hercegovina. These men and women, the majority of whom are stationed in CFB Petawawa in my great riding of Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke, are doing a remarkable job under very adverse condition. The 1,285 Canadians who stand watch in this region represent Canada's largest peacekeeping commitment.
I had the distinct privilege and pleasure of meeting a number of these soldiers on a recent trip to the area as a member of the Standing Committee on National Defence and Veterans Affair.
Canada's peacekeeping efforts are recognized and respected throughout the world. These brave men and women who are now serving in this troubled sector are representing us in an exemplary fashion.
I want to say thanks on behalf of my riding and on behalf of all Canadians to the members of the Canadian military who leave their families and friends to serve their country. They serve it well.