Mr. Speaker, in answer to the hon. member for Saint John, I believe that we probably do need some assistance in the form of policing. I know we do in Peel. In fact, the region of Peel police force recently took over the policing of Pearson International Airport. It has to find the money to hire an entire division, 101 officers, in the region of Peel. They will be contracted out to run the policing system at Pearson, a facility that I am sure members use.
The member's question was about gun control. I think the Canadian people have spoken very clearly on that issue. We do not want to see what we tragically see every day in the news in the United States of America.
My goodness, we register our dogs in this country. We register our cars. We register our boats. Why in the world would anyone object to registering a weapon like a gun that could kill if it fell into the wrong hands?