The likelihood of the occurrence of a genetic sickness, for example. I do not want to get into a debate on that. It is much more revealing. If the member does not know what it is, he should consult scientists and they will tell him how much more revealing a DNA sample is compared to a fingerprint.
My colleague is right. We can at the present time take a blood test for purposes of conduite avec facultés affaiblies par les effets de l'alcool. The reasoning which was given by the courts in this regard is very clear: if we do not do it then the evidence will disappear. That is the basis on which it was allowed, not because it was an infringement upon any right of anybody else but because the evidence would disappear if we did not do it.
This balanced approach and interpretation of the charter must be maintained. That is how our rights will be preserved and criminal activity will be fought against at the same time.