I am informed by the Department of Environment and the Canadian International Development Agency as follows:
With regard to various developing countries involvement in the Montreal protocol:
(a) Canada has actively participated in the work of the meetings of the parties and the meetings of the executive committee of the multilateral fund to help ensure compliance of developing countries with the control measures of the protocol. More recently, Canada has presided over the work of the implementation committee which is responsible for reviewing situations of non-compliance with the Montreal protocol. Finally, Canada has been an advocator of a strong and effective non-compliance procedure and was the chief proponent of a newly created working group, ad hoc working group of legal and technical experts on non-compliance to the Montreal protocol, which is mandated to review the non-compliance procedure with a view to developing appropriate recommendations on the need and conditions for the further elaboration and strenghtening of this procedure.
(b) Regarding the issue of funding allocated by the federal government to help developing countries achieve compliance, Canada has, so far, contributed $25.3 million U.S. directly to the multilateral fund of the Montreal protocol shared between the Canadian International Development Agency, CIDA, and Environment Canada, of which $3.2 million U.S. was provided by Environment Canada to the bilateral assistance fund. In addition, Environment Canada has provided, so far, a total of $1.12 million U.S. in financial support to house the multilateral fund secretariat in Montreal. Canada's ongoing commitment to assist developing countries under the Montreal protocol totals approximately $8.2 million Canadian on a annual basis. Finally, CIDA is making two contributions to the Ottawa-based ENGO, Environment Non-Governmental Organization, Friends of the Earth, for ozone related activities in developing countries: a $300,000 Canadian grant over the next three years to strengthen public awareness about ozone issues, and to build national capacity to accelerate the transition from methyl bromide to environmentally benign alternatives in Chile, Ghana and Malaysia; and a grant of $75,000 Canadian this year for an international youth internship program which targets ozone depletion activities.
Question No. 116—