Order, please. I know that the hon. member would like to go into Senate attendance. I suggest to the hon. member that first, it is not relevant to the discussion we are engaged in today on Bill S-16. Second, I must advise him that it is out of order to speak disrespectfully of the other place. I know he knows that is the rule of this House. It is in the standing orders of this House.
He will want to be very careful in the words he uses. I have allowed him to go on about attendance a bit because he was being so praiseworthy of certain hon. senators. He knows that like us, they are members of the houses of parliament and he must avoid speaking disrespectfully of the other place.
I invite him to refrain from getting into anything that would touch on a personal attack on any hon. senator or that would speak in any way disrespectfully of the other house of parliament.