Mr. Speaker, never before have the Espoirs de Laval so lived up to the hope expressed in their name.
Last week, one of the club members, Geneviève Jeanson, made the news with a marvelous accomplishment: two junior cycling championships within the same week. This is a first in road cycling in Quebec and in Canada. Geneviève's exceptional success is already being lauded as the sporting event of the year.
Geneviève has already set her sights high for the future. Starting next year, she will move up to the senior ranks and she has hopes of earning a spot on the Canadian team.
This 18-year old athlete's maturity, tenacity and discipline have made her a model for an entire generation of young people. Her comment on this was “If I can serve as an example to other young people, that's fine, but they need to know there are no shortcuts. It takes a huge amount of determination and hard work”.
Geneviève, has every right to those high hopes. The Sydney Olympics await her. We of the Bloc Quebecois tip our hats to her, and it is with the greatest of pride that we offer our congratulations and best wishes for continued success.