Mr. Speaker, the New Democratic Party of Canada and its members of parliament join with the Canadian government, the prime ministers of the United Kingdom, Germany and France and many others around the world, including of course millions of Americans and President Clinton, in regretting the tragic, stupid, shortsighted and dangerous decision of the American Senate in rejecting the comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty.
If some day the world is destroyed because of a nuclear war, those who are left, if there are any, may look back on this week as a negative turning point in the struggle to rid the world of nuclear weapons.
A senate dominated by right wingers decided to trust in their nuclear chariots and their determination to take on all comers in a possible nuclear war instead of encouraging and building a world in which nuclear non-proliferation and abolition of nuclear weapons is seen as the way ahead.
Perhaps the Republicans should check the historical record to see what eventually happens to empires which trust more in their weapons than in the will of God for a just, peaceful and non-nuclear world.