Mr. Speaker, to simply say something and say it is true is an interesting concept. Actions speak louder than words. The member's solution to the immigration crisis is to make an educational video and send that across the waters to folks so that they know to please not come because we are not sure what to do with them when they get here. That is the member's approach to this crisis.
Rather than work for legislative change with some teeth in it that will make a change and send a message internationally that Canada is not an easy mark for those who would abuse our immigration system, the member and her colleagues sit idly by and offer solutions such as waiting for winter so the boats stop coming, or putting together an educational video so that people stop coming. Those are their suggestions, rather than using the legislative powers we have in the House to take action and make a change.
We can work together in the House to make legislative changes to send a message internationally that Canada will not be an easy mark for those who choose to abuse our system. We want a positive system.
A member has shouted out a comment that I am not going to repeat because it is in contempt. He said it the other day in question period under his breath. He does not have the intestinal fortitude to stand in his place and make that accusation because he knows he would be thrown directly out of this place. He does not have the guts to stand and deliver; rather he holds his hand in front of his face and utters scurrilous remarks toward opposition members.
That is the approach of the government, to run scared, to do nothing and utter attacks against those who offer positive proactive solutions for change. Shame on the member and shame on every one of the Liberal members for standing idly by and doing nothing once again. That is the Liberal government's approach to governing. Shame on the Liberal members.
The day will come soon when we will be in the Liberal government's place making positive proactive solutions to address the concerns of this nation because the Liberal government simply refuses to do so.