Mr. Speaker, Canada is celebrating National Science and Technology Week from October 15 to 24.
Canada has made a commitment to become the world's smartest natural resources steward, developer, user and exporter, the most high tech, the most environmentally friendly, the most socially responsible, the most competitive and productive.
During National Science and Technology Week, Natural Resources Canada opens its doors to the community to communicate the importance of the sustainable development of our energy, forest and mineral resources. Through public open houses and educational sessions for students, departmental staff provide an up close view of everything from rocks, minerals and mapping to forests and the insects that inhabit them, from metals and energy resources to GPS technology.
More and more Canadians look to science and technology to improve their lives and address important issues such as climate change.
I call on all members of the House to join with me to salute the men and women who help make Canada a world leader in science and technology.