Mr. Speaker, I want to commend my colleague for a very excellent speech. He told some stories which I think are duplicated in all of our ridings. I have had heard of similar situations.
I had a phone call from a young married woman who, with her husband, is trying to make the family farm work, having taken it over from his father. It was really tough to pay the bills so she got a part time job to try to pay the farm bills. Lo and behold, unexpectedly this young lady found herself with child. She kept on working at her part time job, helping her husband as much as she could on the farm.
When the time came that she could no longer work because of her impending childbirth, she applied for employment insurance, to which every person in this country is entitled. This young lady was told that because she was part of a farm family and their income last year was x number of dollars she did not qualify. She was told that she would not get employment insurance. While everyone else is not asked how much money their husband made or how much their partner made when on maternity leave, here is a farm family trying to make ends meet, which needs employment insurance, and it is disqualified by the rules of the Liberal government. Those stories abound.
I really want to commend my colleague for bringing that dimension to this issue. It is exactly the kind of story we are hearing.
I wonder whether the member would like to enlarge somewhat on the kinds of programs that the Liberal government puts out that claim to be supportive of families, supportive of children, which in fact run exactly the opposite.