Mr. Speaker, last Saturday, Dr. Kévork Baghdjian, master defender of the Armenian cause, passed away in Montreal.
He leaves not just his own family members but also the entire Armenian community, to whom his death represents a monumental loss. The Armenian people has lost one of its most famous sons. Dr. Baghdjian devoted his entire life to defending the rights of the victims and survivors of the Armenian tragedy of 1915.
For many years, Dr. Baghjian headed the Fédération des groupes ethniques du Québec. That position made him a defender of the rights of all cultural communities making up the mosaic that is Quebec and Canada.
A proud Canadian, he took a public stand in favour of Canadian unity in the referendum debates on Quebec separation. Among his many distinctions, he became a member of the Order of Canada in 1978.
On behalf of all Canadians, I wish to express my condolences to his family and to thank this great Canadian for his untiring efforts on behalf of tolerance.