Mr. Speaker, in carrying over my closing remarks from yesterday's debate I wish to say that it is with the deepest regret that I must oppose the current Nisga'a agreement. I oppose it for three main reasons.
First, if this treaty is truly a template for all other treaty negotiations, it does nothing to address the climate of mistrust and fear that exists at the band level between ordinary aboriginals and their band leaders. Until the serious problem of band accountability is addressed, there is no guarantee that the proceeds of any treaty will actually get to the people who need it most.
Second, I do not believe that this bill is good for British Columbia. Much has been said that the economy of B.C. will take on a new vibrancy after the passing of this bill. Who can say this with any certainty? Instead, I believe that this bill will increase confrontation over other outstanding aboriginal disputes in British Columbia. If a businessman was looking for a place to invest his money, would he want to invest it in a B.C. like that?
Third, this bill is not in the best interests of Canada. Look at what is really happening today. The paternalistic environment created by the Indian Act and recent decisions by the courts all point to trouble ahead. Look at what is happening with the Musqueam land in Vancouver, the east coast fishing dispute, and the controversy around the west coast fishing and logging rights. This agreement is a recipe for further disaster.
I have three native children who are part of my family. I love them very much, just as I love my other five children who are non-native. We have made this work in our family because we love and trust each other. I want them to grow up in a country where they will not encounter prejudice because of the colour of their skin. However, I am afraid for them and for all of us. I am afraid that this agreement paves the way for more confrontation rather than less, afraid that it does nothing to address the climate of fear and mistrust and corruption at the band level. I must therefore take my stand against this bill.
In closing, I move the following amendment:
That the amendment be amended by adding the following words:
and that the committee make a report to this House no later than June 5, 2000.