Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the federal NDP caucus and our leader I join with the Prime Minister in deploring the events that took place in the Armenian parliament yesterday, in expressing our condolences to the families of those who were assassinated and to the people of Armenia, and in saying that I think it particularly reprehensible that this kind of thing should have happened in a parliament.
For me, and I am sure for parliamentarians around the world, parliament is the antithesis of violence. It may be a place where we exchange views in a spirited way, but it is a place where we commit ourselves to working our differences out in a non-violent way by talking to each other and by observing the rule of law. For this kind of thing to happen inside a parliament is particularly deplorable.
I hope it rallies people all around the world to reflect on the value of democracy, on the value of parliament, and just how wrong was what happened in Armenia the other day.