Madam Speaker, I am pleased to speak today to my party's motion to maintain the provisions of section 6.1(a) of the Air Canada Public Participation Act limiting ownership of the capital stock of Air Canada by any person or group to 10% of the voting shares.
I want to say that this government's conduct is disturbing.
Everywhere I have been—last night, I attended two meetings and 200 people came to the first one—I can tell you there was unanimity within the community and among groups, and the Bloc Quebecois is leading a fierce battle and will continue to do so. Looking at what the government is doing today, I would never have believed a democratically elected government could stoop so low in its loyalty.
I think transparency is being dealt a terrible blow and this government does not have notion of what justice is. This is purely and simply a dictatorship. I indicated earlier that there was unanimity within the community and the business community in particular, but the media are unanimous as well.
Anyone who paid attention to the media, both print and broadcast, this morning, noted that they were hard on the government. I would like to quote two articles, because if I had to quote all those I read this morning, I could go on all afternoon, and if we had to record everything that was said on television last night and this morning, we would not get out of here tonight.
The article I will quote is from the Journal de Montréa l and is written by Michel C. Auger. It is entitled “Alas, he is a minister.” It reads: “If David Collenette were a judge, we could easily—”