Mr. Speaker, the system we have now allows for small operators to start up their businesses. Obviously the Competition Bureau will look at the operators to make sure they have enough facilities, that their facilities are safe and that they have enough resources to operate.
There are many facilities. For instance, my friends from out west will tell us that CanWest is doing a great job. First Air owned by our native people is doing a fantastic job up north. There is room in the marketplace to make sure that smaller communities are looked after.
Under the legislation and under the legislative framework we will make sure we have enough slots for aircraft. We will make sure that travel agents are controlled and are also operating for our small communities, that they are able to access these flights and co-ordinate them. We will make sure there will be enough space at the airports. From time to time there will be subsidies.
When we make a regulation we have to make sure all of our communities are serviced. Those small communities will be looked after under the legislation.