Mr. Speaker, I find it very interesting to hear the member say that he is in favour of free market competition prevailing when the very nature of this motion would prevent any competition in the merger process.
Those members are trying to say that only one deal can be considered by the government, by anybody, by the shareholders. I do not find it competitive when we are saying there is only one person or one deal which can comply with the conditions.
I would suggest that if the member truly believes in the competitive nature of the free market he would be willing to open up the guidelines, open up the regulations to allow more than one. Perhaps there are two, three or more people who would be interested.
I would also challenge this member on his comments as to whether a company should be allowed to go into bankruptcy. In the interests of all Canadians, the restructuring of the airline industry should be handled in an organized fashion rather than in a chaotic fashion.
I find it very difficult to believe that the hon. member is speaking to and concerned about all Canadians and not just those who happen to live in the province of Quebec.