Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the Progressive Conservative caucus of Canada, I would like to draw the House's attention to National Child Day.
On March 19, 1993, the Canadian government proclaimed November 20 as National Child Day, in order to commemorate two historical events relating to children, the adoption in 1959 by the United Nations of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and, in 1989, of the Convention of the Rights of the Child.
When this day is celebrated tomorrow, I invite all Canadians to reflect on the needs of children as well as on how we can ensure that they receive all of the guidance and love they require to become responsible and healthy adults.
Let us take advantage of this day to express our respect, affection and support for all those who represent the true greatness of our county, our children. Let us also make it the opportunity to remind the ineffectual Liberal government that is in power at this time of the shockingly hard times still being experience by a growing number of poor children in our country, which is one of the best off in the world.