Mr. Speaker, the member who just spoke has all kinds of credentials in the medical profession. We understand and appreciate that.
I am sure she would want to refer to page 9, subclause 17(1) which deals with the governing council. I remind her that the governing council will be appointed by one person, the Prime Minister of Canada. In part the subclause reads:
17(1) The Governing Council may
(a) appoint, layoff or terminate the employment of the employees of the CIHR; and
(b) establish standards, procedures and processes governing staffing, including the appointment, layoff, or termination of employment—
It goes on and on. If we turn to page 10, subclause 20(1) reads:
The Governing Council shall
(a) establish, maintain and terminate divisions of the CIHR, to be called Health Research Institutes;
(b) create an Advisory Board for each Health Research Institute...and
(c) appoint a Scientific Director for each Health Research Institute;
The question again goes back to the arm's length relationship with the government and the independence we would like to see in these institutes. I cannot see where there will be any independence. The strong arm of the Prime Minister will be on the very body that is being created.
Is there not a new, a better way, a more creative and more intelligent way to set up a body that will move us into the 21st century in terms of medical research?