Mr. Speaker, the Minister of External Affairs of the Hellenic Republic is currently on an official visit to Canada. His presence symbolizes the warm ties that bind our two nations.
While in Canada the minister reiterated his guiding principles of stability, democracy and unity worldwide and particularly in the Balkans. In endorsing these laudable principles we as parliamentarians should also support his efforts to establish a permanent Olympic truce, suspending all hostilities during all Olympic competition to serve as the seed to greater world peace.
Canada-Greece relations have been strengthened by the efforts of the Hellenic foreign minister and our foreign minister who have been working closely together to promote democratic principles, peace, unity and to combat injustice everywhere, thereby continuing to build on Hellenism's legacy of noble statesmen.
As a Canadian parliamentarian of Hellenic origin, I am proud of the continuous efforts for peace and the promotion of human security of both my birth country, Hellas, and my adopted country, Canada.