Mr. Speaker, yesterday, the Prime Minister reminded us, with all of the vision that is his alone, of why he rejects the rule of 50% plus one: the plus one is perhaps the person who left their glasses at home.
He and his minister of constitutional obsession should draw a lesson from the writings of former Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, who said the following on the subject of democracy: Since, if all men and women are equal, and each is the seat of superior thought, it follows inevitably that the happiness of 51 persons is more important than that of 49; it is therefore reasonable, and with the rights of the minority taken into account, for the decisions made by the 51 persons to prevail.
Rather than reflect on the percentage of persons who might forget their glasses in the next vote on the future of Quebec, the Prime Minister would be better advised to draw on the writings of the man whose heir he claims to be.