Mr. Speaker, the big problem is the supply of drugs. We need programs to cut it off.
The demand for drugs is only going to decrease by fewer people being on them. Unfortunately, in Vancouver we are not going to be able to stop people from dying because of drugs. It will be unstoppable until we stop the drug trade. Until we stop organized crime, until we cut off the supply, someone will die today, tomorrow and the next day.
We only have to go into some of the hotels in the downtown east side to see what a terrible scene it is. I invite every Canadian watching to take the time to do that. The police will take people to the downtown east side of Vancouver. It is like a war zone. I am not kidding. I have seen young girls and young boys shooting up between their toes because there is no other place to do it. All their marks have been used.
I really do not think it will be stopped until all members of parliament take action to cut off the supply. That means boarding the ships that are anchored off Vancouver, getting the drugs, seizing the ships, selling the ships and telling the lawyers that they have to stop defending the bad guys and start prosecuting those people with everything they have.
There is no easy answer, but somehow we have to wake up the House, and particularly the government.