Mr. Speaker, it is ironic that in the national capital of one of the richest countries on earth, over a 120,000 residents of Ottawa-Carleton live below the poverty line. Of these, 30,000 require some form of daily food assistance. In the land of plenty these numbers should shame us all.
Again this year, thanks to our parliamentary interns, MPs and all Hill staff will have the opportunity to take a personal stand against hunger. Non-perishable food collection boxes are set up around the parliamentary precinct. The interns will also be visiting our offices to collect food and cash donations. The dollar amount collected will be doubled by the Canadian Bankers Association.
I would like all members to recall that fortune has not smiled so kindly on all in society. Hunger and cold does not end when the holidays are over. The generosity of spirit that this magical time of year imparts to us must be a year-long commitment. We truly must be each other's keepers. I thank the interns.