(a) The food directorate will recive $7.7 million in 1999-2000 including $1.2 million for accommodation, communications, employee benefits, and other overhead expenses. As of October 3, 1999, the directorate had spent $3.2 million.
(b) By the end of year three of the funding, the food directorate plans to have staffed 52 positions. We are unable at this time to give actual position titles. It is anticipated that 25 will be staffed in year one, 10 in year two, and 17 in year three.
(c) The food directorate is scheduled to receive $7.7 million in year one, $9.2 million in year two, and $12.1 million in year three.
(d) There is currently one ongoing research project on a topic related to genetically modified foods with a planned expenditure in 1999-2000 of $166,389.
Question No. 38—