Mr. Speaker, on this last parliamentary day of 1999 I would like to share with the House the dream that I and my colleagues have for the new millennium and for the century about to begin.
We have a dream that someday soon and the sooner the better, human beings will abolish all nuclear weapons and indeed all weapons of mass destruction.
We have a dream that poverty at home and abroad will be eliminated and that someday human beings and human community will be valued above all other values and not be always secondary to the profit strategies of multinational corporations and wealthy individuals.
We have a dream that humanity will repent of the ways in which we are now cruising complacently toward planetary ecological disaster and that creation will in fact be preserved for endless millenniums to come.
It is from such dreams that one derives the will to carry on the political struggle and New Democrats commit ourselves to do just that.
Having said that, Mr. Speaker, may I take this opportunity to wish all members of the House a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Let us pray that the Y2K anxiety proves to be unfounded and that all goes well on January 1, 2000.