Mr. Speaker, 10 years ago, 14 young women paid with their lives for the frustrations of a mad gunman.
Quebec society had considered itself sheltered from such things, but it learned to its sorrow that the culture of violence was still far too present in our everyday lives. Unfortunately, that lesson was learned at the cost of 14 innocent lives.
Lessons have been learned, yes, but the situation is still very precarious. Since December 6, 1989, 858 women have fallen victim to family violence in Quebec and Canada. In 1998 alone, there were 67 such tragic deaths. Although the homicide figures may now be dropping, the number of women using shelters for abused women is constantly on the rise.
This is proof that we, as a society and as individuals, must continue to fight against violence, particularly violence against women.
But what have we done to make violence toward women unacceptable? Not enough. We obviously still have a long way to go.
We must keep up the fight so that women will be able to feel secure and no longer afraid. We must stop seeing violence as commonplace.
Sadly, December 6, 1989 was not an isolated example. Every day, women are being battered, being hurt by partners, other family members, or people they work with.
Let us, as a society, examine our consciences and take action against the violence we see on our television screens every day. Let us denounce violence in our schools, in our media, in our day-to-day lives. Let us condemn violence. Let us act to teach respect, tolerance and fairness.
I call upon the federal government to organize a violence awareness campaign. The cuts it has imposed on women's groups are aberrant, when one considers that this affects the safety of the women of Quebec and of Canada. These decisions must be re-examined for the safety of societies in Quebec and in Canada.
To the parents and friends of the 14 women killed at École Polytechnique, I express my sympathies, and those of all members of the Bloc Quebecois. We share the memory of that terrible day, and it will remain with us for a long time.
Let us ensure that the 14 did not die in vain. Let us keep their memory fresh to galvanize our actions.