Payments are not paid directly to the region of Ottawa-Carleton.
As per the federal Municipal Grants Act, payments in lieu of taxes, PILT, are paid to the body who collects a real property tax pursuant to an act of the legislature of a province. In this situation, the area municipalities within the ROC are the collectors of real property tax, the grant is therefore paid to these municipalities and not the regional government. The payments to the area municipalities located in the ROC are as follows:
1997—1998 (Est.) City of Ottawa—$80,200,000—$86,000,000 City of Nepean—$3,242,000—$3,600,000 City of Gloucester—$7,250,000—$7,300,000 City of Kanata—$110,000—$120,000 Goulbourn Twp—$129,000—$140,000 Cumberland Twp—$1,000—$1,000 Osgoode Twp—$4,600—$5,000 Rideau Twp—$17,900—$19,000 West Carleton Twp—$28,800—$31,000 Total—$90,983,300—$97,216,000
The 1998 estimate takes into consideration the latest changes to the Ontario tax reform concerning the cap of 10% on all commercial and industrial properties.