Madam Speaker, it is an issue the government has recognized as a problem. We are moving in a direction to eradicate it. I do not think it will disappear overnight. It will take time.
I have another observation which is often given by the real opponents to fixing the system, to index the taxation system may well lead to inflation, in other words what creates inflationary pressures. I remember the days when everybody's labour contracts were specifically tied to the consumer price index. When the consumer price index went up 7% their wages went up 7%. Wages went up 7% and the products they bought in the store went up 7%. We got into an inflationary spiral. There is an argument within the taxation system that said we are trying to control things at zero or break even inflationary rate, so why should we index the taxation system which may well lead to a cascading effect? I am not a strong believer in that argument but it is an argument that we have to take into account.