Mr. Speaker, I thank a very generous Toronto resident who made a $525,000 donation today to the United Way.
This anonymous donor's only request was that the money be directed to projects serving the homeless. Some of the money will support a project known as 30 St. Lawrence. This new construction project of 10 townhouses will house 40 people from the emergency shelter network. The city of Toronto has contributed the project site and $400,000 in cash equity.
Another project that will benefit from the donation is Dixon Hall, an established community agency. The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation has stepped in to provide a zero interest project development fund loan for this group to build housing as well as mortgage insurance for a loan of over $1 million. Human Resources Development Canada has also pledged $150,000 in equity toward the project.
As a result of this partnership between the Canadian government, the non-profit sector and one very generous individual, this project will operate on a break even basis from the rents collected as the shelter component of welfare.