Mr. Speaker, this month we as Canadian citizens have many important dates which allow us to express appreciation while recognizing our good fortune to live in peace and harmony in our multicultural, multiracial, bilingual nation.
Important days are flag day, heritage day and citizenship week, while also celebrating Black History Month. The cultural, racial and linguistic mix of Canada, its Constitution and charter of rights are unique in the world and express rights and freedoms and include values of caring, sharing and respect for differences that have brought us world renown.
Community and government support for the safe, sound and creative communities surrounding us is demonstrated by support for the Matthew Da Costa Foundation in Montreal. Supported by three levels of government, it is one of the models that was designed and created by the black community.
Within the context of Black History Month I salute the organization as well as many other black activist groups that promote fairness and equality for black Canadians in their day to day lives.