Mr. Speaker, today the two sides in the Kosovo crisis are sitting down face to face and trying to reach some type of settlement. The clock is ticking and the deadline of Saturday noon has been set.
It is time Canada addresses our involvement in a NATO led force. We first have to ask what is the mandate. Then we have many questions that must be answered including the following.
Do we support a referendum on separation in three years in Kosovo? Do we have a long term plan? If we bomb what do we bomb? If we send ground troops will they simply serve as police with big sticks, or will they attempt to build a long term solution? How long will the mission last? What will the mission cost? Do we have the manpower and equipment? What will we do with the refugees? How will we keep this issue from spreading to surrounding countries?
The government will come in and say that we must hold a quick take note debate. That is not good enough this time. We need some answers first.