Mr. Speaker, it is a pleasure to speak to the motion calling on the House to take note of possible Canadian peacekeeping activities in Kosovo and possible changes to our peacekeeping activities in the Central African Republic.
First I would like to address some comments to the issues relating to the situation in the Central African Republic beginning with the background to the current situation that we are facing.
The past several years have been enormously difficult ones in that country. In November and December of last year, free and fair legislative elections were held. These were the first tentative steps toward the restoration of national institutions since dire political and economic conditions swept the country in 1993.
In recent years, unpaid soldiers mutinied on three separate occasions and French troops were brought in to quash the uprisings. In January 1997 the rebel soldiers and those forces still loyal to President Patassé signed the Bangui accords which addressed measures necessary to bring peace back to that country. This agreement also established the Mission Interafricaine de Surveillance de l'Application des Accords de Bangui, or commonly referred to as MISAB.
This mission, made up of military and civilian personnel from France and six African countries, was created in order to maintain peace and security and to monitor the implementation of the Bangui accords. In June 1997, MISAB was forced to put down another mutiny against the government. Meanwhile, conditions in the country continued to deteriorate.
By early 1998 MISAB's mandate was coming to an end and French troops had begun their withdrawal. It was apparent, however, that further international assistance was required if the Central African Republic was to remain free of violence. In March of last year the UN Security Council unanimously adopted resolution 1159 establishing a UN peacekeeping operation to replace MISAB. The initial three month mandate of this new mission, the Mission des Nations unies en Republique centrafricaine, or MINURCA, began with 1,350 troops from six African countries, France and Canada.
As was previously outlined in the debate, MINURCA was given a variety of roles including maintaining security in and around the capital of Bangui, training civilian police and ensuring the security and freedom of movement of UN personnel. This mandate was extended in July 1998 and again the following October.
The UN Secretary General recognized the progress that had been made in his December 1998 report to the security council suggesting that MINURCA was a success story so far. UN involvement has allowed the Central African Republic to become as he said “an island of relative stability in an otherwise wartorn region”. He reported that the mission had played an important role in the legislative elections just a couple of months ago and had been instrumental in helping the government prepare plans for restructuring the army and civilian police force. As we also know, the UN presence launched a human rights awareness campaign and provided medical and humanitarian assistance in and around Bangui. In addition, the stabilization of the country has led to some economic recovery.
Nevertheless the secretary general also noted that peace remains fragile and that the political climate is still permeated by division and distrust. He concluded that continued MINURCA presence is required at least until the fall of 1999 when there will be presidential elections. The UN Secretary General, Mr. Annan, is recommending that MINURCA's mandate should be extended and that the force structure should remain essentially the same.
The current mandate will expire at the end of this month. MINURCA still has a very important role to play in a slow but steady recovery of the Central African Republic. It is important to seize that opportunity to build on our success to date. Canadian participation is vital in this regard as our forces are providing the communications framework for the multinational force.
At the joint defence and foreign affairs committee meeting last April, members of parliament recognized the importance of this contribution and unanimously resolved that Canada should participate in MINURCA. Today there are compelling reasons to support both the extension of MINURCA as well as our continued participation.
The extension would allow MINURCA forces to continue to foster a secure and stable environment so that the presidential elections scheduled for later this year can take place in a free and fair way. It would also continue to foster the process of reconciliation and reconstruction in the Central African Republic.
The key considerations in this matter are clear. First, given our past involvement in the region and our record of leadership in peacekeeping and peace support operations, it is only natural that the UN would look on us to stay the course. We are in a position to share our valuable experience and to work with the Africans to help them to find lasting solutions to complex the challenges they face. Through MINURCA and other operations, through our memberships in La Francophonie and through our membership in an ad hoc UN group known as the friends of the Central African Republic, Canada has already made meaningful contributions to international efforts to maintain stability in Africa. The UN is looking to us for help by continuing in this effort.
Second, we are in privileged during our two year membership on the UN security council, and during our presidency of the body this month, to make an especially meaningful difference efforts to improve the situation in the Central African Republic. Our continued participation in MINURCA is a natural way of making most of our opportunities in this sphere.
Finally, the skills and professionalism of our troops would clearly of enormous benefit to our colleagues in MINURCA. As is well known, Canada has contributed to almost all UN peacekeeping missions and along the way has developed a wealth of experience. This experience and our ability to work in English and in French make Canadian soldiers perfectly suited to work alongside other military contingents of MINURCA.
In the Central African Republic we have a chance to continue to help foster stability in a troubled and fragile place. We have the opportunity to demonstrate once again our continued ability and willingness to promote international peace and security. Finally, we have another chance to reflect the wishes of Canadians who have told us that they want Canada to continue to work toward a stable global order. In my view if the right security and other assurances can be provided these alone are compelling reasons for us to continue our efforts to make a difference in the Central African Republic.
In the final moments I have I would like to briefly comment with regard to our position in Kosovo. Earlier this day I listened carefully to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and to the Minister of National Defence. All parliamentarians appreciated their words of praise for our troops and about the need for Canada's continued participation, particularly in Kosovo.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs said something that I thought was very relevant, very simple but straightforward. He referred to our participation not just as a peacekeeping contingent but for civil peace building. This aspect of peace building is extremely important. Canada has developed an international reputation as peacekeepers as well as peace builders. It is that reputation, that skill and that ability that we can bring to the situation in Kosovo.
The minister also referred to the human rights situation, the fact that young children are being drawn into military conflict and that Canada as an internationally recognized champion of human rights around the world is well suited. It is important for us to play a role there. I wanted to highlight that.
As the minister concluded his speech he finally asked parliamentarians to put on record their views on this matter. I am pleased to have participated in this debate and I am pleased to support the minister's call for parliamentarians to support our participation in Kosovo as well as in the Central African Republic.