As someone back there said, they are closing down hospitals. They are reorganizing, because provinces have suffered drastic cuts for many years. One cannot help but feel it when the health budget is cut by $1 billion a year in a province.
I think we would have been poor managers if we had not been careful to manage in the best way possible the little money we had left.
I represent a city riding, but I come from the Lower St. Lawrence, a region even more remote than the region represented by the hon. member for Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean. We will not argue about the regions. There too, there were organizational problems in health. Still, I think every region in Quebec has been well served with what we had at our disposal.
A bit more money will be put in, and I am sure we are very aware of the needs of our population. So much so that no conditions have been made for to the transfer of funds to provinces. So, every province knows its own needs, glaring needs. We are reminded of them every day and they will be met, I am sure of that.