Mr. Speaker, tonight we will talk about APEC for four minutes. I want to start off by reading into the record exactly what commissioner Ted Hughes received in a letter addressed to him on February 3 regarding his role in the hearing. In the public interest, he is to inquire into all matters touching upon these complaints, to hear all evidence relevant thereto and to ensure a full and fair hearing with respect to these complaints.
In his letter to the new solicitor general, Ted Hughes points out very clearly “I have concluded for the purpose of the present inquiry, a full and ample opportunity to present evidence to cross-examine witnesses and to make representations can be best achieved by the complainants having counsel. Accordingly I write to recommend in the words of Madam Justice Reed that the state fund counsel. That is the purpose of this letter.
“The question I have under study is not whether state funded counsel should be provided but rather whether I have as a matter of law the authority to order that it be provided. You will appreciate from what I have said that my answer to the former question would very definitely be in the affirmative. While it is going to take time for me to study and research the legal question before me, I believe that, as a courtesy to you while that process is occurring, I ought to make my view of the funding issue known to you and communicate it to you in the form of a recommendation pursuant to the protocol sanctioned by Madam Justice Reed. If such a recommendation has not been previously been placed before you, I believe this is a fair and reasonable course for me to follow”.
Mr. Justice Hughes is a well respected person in British Columbia. He has been on the bench. He has worked for governments in British Columbia. The Reform Party is very happy that he is now heading up this inquiry. We know from his past record he will not be pushed around. He will do what has to be done to make sure that justice is served in this purpose.
I find it very strange that today in the House the minister was asked again by our critic for the solicitor general whether he will agree to these recommendations by Justice Hughes and yet we are still looking at it. This is not something that just happened yesterday. The letter has been there for close to a week, but the government has known for a long time. The previous commissioners requested funding.
There cannot be a fair hearing unless everybody is well represented. I hope Justice Hughes in his own research will find that under the act he has the power to do this funding on his own in case the government refuses once again to go by what he is asking it for.
This whole APEC situation has been a black eye on Canada. A number of things have happened in this inquiry. A minister has had to resign over this issue. The former chairman of the commission has resigned over this issue. The two other commissioners have resigned over this issue. Here we are back now with Justice Hughes starting into this hearing and looking at getting some more support from this government to get ahead and do what needs to be done.
The government in hundreds of questions in this House on this issue has always said “Let us let the inquiry get going. Let us let it happen”. Now the new commissioner is saying to fund the other parties so that we can get this under way in a fair and prudent manner.
I would implore this government to do that. Make sure it is funded. Make sure it moves forward. We are all looking forward to the results that Mr. Hughes will come out with.