Mr. Speaker, it is indeed a pleasure to have another opportunity to address Bill C-65, an act to amend the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act.
What we are really talking about is spending $43.5 billion over the next five years and this is really the only time this parliament will get a chance to talk about spending that atrocious amount of money. We might be sympathetic to a government that was in a big hurry to implement important legislation like this but all we see from this side of the House is a government frightened of making mistakes and, like a deer caught in headlights, it freezes and does nothing instead.
We on this side of the House certainly have no problem with the concept of equalization. Equalization grants have been held up as representing Canadian values and as the essence of Canada, supposedly the very stuff that makes us a country. Like many government myths, this one is so thick with rhetoric and misconceptions that average Canadians, the ones paying for and supposedly benefiting the most from this redistribution, are probably unclear what we are arguing about. Canadians are not sure how this affects them one way or another.
To them we can add just about every expert in this country and of course the bureaucrats in the finance department responsible for this complex, convoluted scheme. I believe they have forgotten what the object of equalization really is and are so busy inventing new calculations to hand out taxpayer money that they do not look at what they have done.
We know that section 36 of the Constitution calls for promotion of equal opportunities and a reasonable level of public services to all Canadians across the country. These are noble ideals. The Constitution does not define these terms or set out how these imaginary levels are to be reached.
Over the years the Liberals have applied this peculiar formula to the question. If it is simple, make it complex. If it is not working, it has to be a lack of program funding so add taxpayer money here. It will all get better.
The announcements made by the Prime Minister and the finance minister concerning the social union and equalization fit into this category of fiscal policy. If there are strains in Confederation it is because they have not layered enough bureaucracy on it. Is somebody still complaining? Throw some more money at them and they will shut up for a little while.
There does not seem to be any recognition that the money comes from the same taxpayer who is already paying into these provincial coffers or increasingly now paying user fees for all sorts of public services. There is no federal money versus provincial money, only taxpayer money. Everyone across the country can agree that governments are getting too darn much of it these days.
It is an established principle that whenever a government involves itself in an economic activity there will be distortions. We have to accept some of this no matter what we do. Even if we cut taxes, and I mean really cut taxes, not the shell game we see bandied about here, we know this will affect the behaviour of our citizens in different ways.
There is no such thing as no effect, only good or bad effect. It is sometimes difficult to predict what the outcome might be. Lower taxes tend to increase investment, savings and debt repayment, which are all good effects. It is also possible that people may go on a buying spree with that extra cash and fuel inflation or increase imports over exports, which is not necessarily good.
The most important consideration is that lower taxes put the freedom of choice back into the hands of Canadian taxpayers and that is a great effect in itself. The key to minimizing the distortions we see and the political manipulations in this program, making sure that what we are really trying to accomplish is actually happening in the real world, is to keep programs transparent and accountable.
Everyone should be able to understand how and why the program is set up and be able to make adjustments to changing conditions or to new information as they gather it. What does this government do instead? It adds layers of complexity and rushes a flawed package through parliament before anybody can really get a good look at it. Government members typically protest that they have consulted and studied but they conveniently ignore that there is a big difference between public debate and publicly available information. The public is not informed about the shortcomings of the equalization program and is instead flooded with empty rhetoric like the price of being Canadian, who we are as a nation, and helping the have nots.
When critics rise up to say the program is not doing what it is supposed to do, they are accused of not wanting to help the poor or of trying to split up Confederation or some other such nonsense as we have heard here lately.
If the government were really interested in helping Canadians make the best possible lives for themselves it would many things. The first thing it has to do is make sure it is not engineering an outcome it claims it does not want. All Canadians want their fellow citizens to have good and sustainable jobs, access to education and health care, to enjoy the benefits of living in one of the world's greatest countries. Make no mistake, they know it is only fair that their fellow citizens work just as hard as they do to get these things.
We are famous for our obsession with helping the less fortunate and I hope we never lose that impulse. I fear that if Canadians are constantly confronted with the fact that government programs are often counterproductive or so badly designed that money intended for the poor ends up in the hands of lawyers, bureaucrats, lobbyists and so on, anywhere but where it will do the most good, they will become cynical and lose faith in what government tries to sell them.
When we consider the size of the underground economy and the rate of brain drain out of this country, we can see this effect is already settling in. We all know what happens to some people who are given something for nothing. Most self-respecting people want to get off welfare but some take it as a subsidy for a lifestyle choice and remain in that rut for years. If you are being given money to continue to do what you are already doing, naturally you will continue doing it. Why not?
Why should we think provincial politicians will be any different? We know many of them have worked hard to investigate options for employment and new wealth. We also know they have clung to old industries or methods because it has been politically dangerous for them to make the tough decisions and because taxpayers from somewhere else are backstopping the expenditure.
I do not mean to point fingers anywhere in particular or at anybody. All provinces and all politicians have good and bad examples. I do not mean to simplify the historical reasons why one province or region developed the way it did. There can be many factors contributing positively or negatively at various times. We are discussing only equalization here, and there is no question that getting billions of dollars from somebody else's budget affects the decision making process, political manipulation if you will.
Bill C-65 adds complexity by roping in more revenue sources than were originally included. It tries to calculate gross values of resources without taking into account what it cost to generate those revenues in each province or region. It includes side deals to let Nova Scotia and Newfoundland play catch-up with resource wealth but squeezes mineral wealth into one category. It does nothing to address the fact that property taxes, one of the single largest sources of provincial revenue, are calculated differently not only from province to province but often within those provinces as well.
The last item is of extreme importance. Property taxes have the ability to kill investment as fast as any other factor. We have heard recently how our NHL teams are paying relatively high amounts and are suffering from this. Ontario has recently gone through a revision process and many businesses have found their property tax bills going up by hundreds of percentages. We saw that a short time ago in Saskatchewan. It really cut deep. This can kill a small business or a farm. High property taxes damage the construction industry and discourage development of manufacturing infrastructure. We see industry moving to the States.
What does Bill C-65 do? It actually rewards the provinces for high property taxes. When a government raises this tax it lowers its value but raises the entitlement of the government to more equalization money. It is counterproductive. Nobody raises taxes on the expectation of suffering a loss but we see governments doing this anyway and being rewarded for their counterproductive behaviour by the federal level of government.
We have already highlighted how the net effect of equalization is to hold tax rates higher than desired in the contributing provinces and allows receiving provinces to shift their tax bills in artificial ways to maximize those entitlements. In effect this means that lower income people in the so-called have provinces are paying extra so higher income people in the have not provinces can escape the real cost of subsidized programs. This is not really helping anyone. It is just a transfer of funds.
Some provinces can offer social programs whose costs are carried by other Canadians who have no access to those very programs. This is not equalizing anything for any Canadians.
The Liberals seem to twist this into some kind of cruel conspiracy, but they are wrong. I am sure they are more frightened that they will lose the ability to micro manage the economy and therefore lose their purpose as a governing party.
We can see why they come up with complex bills such as Bill C-65. The thing they fail to realize is that Canadians already vote with their feet on this. Brain drain is an excellent example. Industry moving to the States is another excellent example. My province of Saskatchewan is another great example. Our single greatest export is our bright-eyed youth marching off to Alberta and the States. After all, if we are one big happy country, why is it considered failed policy if Canadians decide to go where the jobs are? It is their right. They have to make a living. They have to go there.
How should equalization work? It must be transparent. All Canadians should be able to look at the mechanism and understand it. There is no way they will support it anyway. My party suggests the macro formula. It is very simplified. We would look at the province's GDP per capita, not at hundreds of little variables, and focus the transfers to the provinces where they are truly needed.
I find it difficult that my home province of Saskatchewan is a have not province. We are rich with agriculture, high tech manufacturing, resources and biotechnology. It has a very educated population. We export them and they head up companies all over the world. We have a long history of superdevelopment. When will that province take responsibility for its misdirected economic policies? Clearly not as long as someone else is paying the bills from somewhere else.
There are other federal systems around the world. Germany has a system where the wealthier regions contribute to a pool of funds that can be drawn on by the less wealthy regions. We have to see more flexibility in the way we work in this country. We do not see anything in Bill C-65 through the fog of rhetoric and complexity that is piled up here.