Mr. Speaker, first I am pleased by the announcement made by the whip of the Progressive Conservative Party.
As for his question on Pierre Fortin and L'Actualité , as I said earlier regarding the notion of fluctuation—the secretary of state boasted about this—there is no doubt that issues such as the distinction between a union and an association must be discussed. The idea is to look beyond the Canadian dollar and the monetary policy, and to try to anticipate what the North American and tricontinental economy will be in the years to come. This is what we must look at.
It would be a good sign if members opposite agreed to discuss this issue, because the situation is changing and will continue to change whether we want it to or not. This is true for the economy, but also for other areas. The government would be well-advised to create a serene atmosphere to discuss this whole issue, because the future of our fellow citizens and of our children is at stake.