Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to lead off the government's response to the Bloc's motion on the pan-American monetary union.
I am sure that the blatant irony of this motion is clear to most hon. members. We have a party that is dedicated to breaking up one of the world's truly blessed unions, Canada, and at the same time asks us to jump into bed with American monetary policy.
If we look at the real question and issues at stake here it quickly becomes clear why this motion deserves to be rejected. Would a monetary union with the United States or the rest of the hemisphere give us a better monetary policy? Would it be good for Canadian firms? Would it lead to higher living standards for Canadians? The answer to these questions is absolutely not.
Remember when in the 1960s Canada had a system of fixed exchange rates. However, this did not eliminate speculation against the value of the Canadian dollar. In fact, it in some cases led to currency misalignment. Eventually the fixed exchange rate regime was abandoned in the 1970s.
Many other countries adopted a system of fixed exchange rates after World War II. Like Canada, some of them chose to move to flexible exchange rates while others moved to make adjustments to their currency.
Today there is the Euro. That is the basis of this whole motion. The move of 11 European countries toward monetary union might seem applicable to this hemisphere but this is the sort of false apples and oranges comparison, or maybe I should say tourtiere and strudel, that falls apart the minute we look at it intelligently.
Consider the facts. The European project involves several countries with key members of a similar economic size and at a similar level of development. These countries have adopted a common currency administered by a common central bank with a board of 11 national directors.
In contrast, a pan-American monetary union would be dominated by one mega country, the United States. There would be the influence from another group of countries with records of sometime high cosmic inflation.
The bottom line is clear. In such a union, even if it were put into practice, it is doubtful that Canada would have a significant role to play in the formulation of North American or pan-American monetary policy.
This takes me to the underlying point. No matter how members try to phrase or disguise it, a monetary union actually amounts to fixed exchange rates which eliminate forever Canada's ability to conduct a flexible and independent monetary policy. This is no small or abstract sacrifice.
A flexible exchange rate regime has served Canada very well over the years, helping our economy adjust to important economic shocks and allowing our country to conduct an independent monetary policy.
Some might ask about the recent movements in the Canadian dollar. Do these movements not show that we would have been better off with a fixed exchange rate and a monetary policy under the control of others? Absolutely, definitely not.
These movements represent the natural response to international shocks. In fact, it is the currency fluctuation that has actually helped us to adjust to these shocks.
As Bank of Canada Governor Gordon Thiessen has explained on a number of occasions, the dollar weakened last year because Canada was being sideswiped by events beyond our borders. Foremost among these have been the Asian financial crises and more recently the development in Russia and Latin America.
Let us put this into context. Canada was certainly not the only country to be affected by these recent developments. Since the Asian crises began the currencies of other major commodity exporters such as Australia and New Zealand were affected even more.
Although Canada's dependence on commodity based exports has steadily declined, Canada remains a net exporter of primary commodities. Accordingly, the movements in commodity prices have had a significant impact on the Canadian economy. The U.S. on the other hand is a net importer of primary commodities. As a result Canada suffers income losses when commodity prices fall while the U.S. economy benefits. This is an important difference between Canada and the U.S.
The world prices of primary commodities have a major influence on the value of the Canadian dollar because the exchange rate adjusts to balance trade and capital flows in a flexible exchange rate system. When world commodity prices fall the Canadian dollar tends to depreciate against the U.S. dollar. This is truer of our relationship with the U.S. than other G-7 countries.
Over the past two years the ratio of export to import prices in Canada and the United States has moved in opposite directions. Our terms of trade declined by 6% while the U.S. terms of trade rose by 5%. In other words, we are receiving less attractive prices for the goods we sell abroad compared with the prices we pay for products we import while the U.S. enjoys the opposite situation.
There is an important corollary that we must remember. Canada's exchange rate flexibility has helped buffer the Canadian resource centre by limiting the damage from plunging global commodity prices. It has helped up to continue to sell goods around the world, especially in the U.S. market. The flexibility has helped more than hurt the aluminium industry in Quebec, Ontario metal mines, Alberta oil and B.C. forest companies. These industries would have suffered severely and more so if we had a fixed exchange rate, virtually pricing us out of any global sales at all.
The basic fact is flexible exchange rate arrangements are more suitable when countries tend to have different monetary policy objectives, different industrial structures and face different economic shocks. It is not the situation Canada faces as anyone who can look beyond their narrow provincial borders can say.
Let me again emphasize that a flexible exchange rate allows Canada to conduct independent monetary policy that puts Canada and Canadians first. The benefits of the greater monetary policy autonomy and macroeconomic stabilization made possible by flexible exchange rates are large. On the other hand, a fixed exchange rate would significantly curtail the autonomy of Canadian monetary authorities.
The main objective of monetary police with respect to the domestic economy is to preserve the value of money, to achieve and preserve a low and stable inflation rate. Anyone who remembers Canada of the mid-1970s and beyond understands that a high and variable inflation rate can be very costly for the economy and that aiming at low and stable inflation is the best contribution that monetary policy can make for the achievement of economic well-being.
A flexible exchange rate plays a crucial role in the operation of monetary policy in an open economy like Canada. We know that capital is highly mobile between Canada and the U.S. and it would be impossible for Canada to set an independent and effective monetary policy under a fixed exchange rate.
Independent monetary policy also allows us to better absorb what are called macroeconomic shocks. We are seeing right now that we have been able to escape the worst of last year's Asian crises. Although both the Canadian and the U.S. monetary authorities are currently dedicated to maintaining low inflation in their respective countries, it is a recognized fact that Canada has recently made more progress in this regard and we have been able to do so more explicitly about our longer term objective.
The record of many other countries in the hemisphere is by no means as good as Canada's. Would we want our monetary policy to be dictated by a board of governors that would include representatives who had run hyper inflations in the past? Fixing the exchange rate also sacrifices our ability to use monetary policy for short term economic stabilization. For Canada and the United States to be an optimum currency area they would have to face very similar economic shocks and be very integrated in terms of the movement of workers.
Here is something for the hon. member of the Bloc to think about. Although Canada and the United States are bound together in many ways, we actually face very different economic shocks. Some would argue that a fixed exchange rate would reduce transaction costs in international trade and capital flows. We have evidence that shows the opposite, that in fact the costs are very small compared to the benefits.
If the costs of currency volatility were so high, why has there been such a drastic jump in two way trade and direct investment between our two countries?
I do not think any of these attributes can be found in today's motion or in the political game playing that is going on here. If we pursued the suggestion of the Bloc, we would end up trying to tread water in tough seas, having thrown away the life preserver of our sovereign, independent, made in Canada monetary policy. It is not an option the government will ever accept on behalf of a vast majority of Canadians.
I encourage all members of the House to vote against the opposition motion.