Mr. Speaker, I hope I have time to get to all the member's questions because each one requires an indepth analysis. I do not know if I will have the time to do justice to these questions.
As far as serving one-sixth of a sentence, I simply go back to what we have been crying out for, truth in sentencing. We do not have it in this country. I think my hon. colleague has brought this very important matter up and it is on the record. We emphasize again that we do not have truth in sentencing.
We hear some criticism even from our party about the way judges handle things. How in the world can judges do their job when their sentencing is overruled by a parole system that puts the lie to their original assessment of the seriousness of the offence by way of the sentence they imposed?
There is no question that our government should take a serious look at increasing the penalty for the top flight traffickers in this country. They should pay a very serious price. What we heard over and over again at the Montreal forum was that these people do not care what they do to the young people, to the addicts, to the people who get hooked on drugs. They are only worried about profits. That is what we should be looking at. That is what the RCMP was talking about when it said a full meal deal.
Let us take a full, broad, balanced approach to this where we go after the traffickers and start to treat those who have addictions as they are being treated through the drug court in Toronto where there are options for them to receive the treatment and care they need. We must also put in the effort required in order to rehabilitate them.
There is no question the head start program, this kind of education at the earliest age, is extremely important in preventing our young people from getting involved in drugs. There are drugs within the schools throughout the country. What we must do is encourage the government, which we are doing in this debate today, to take a serious look at this and help those young people through a broad and balanced approach to this drug situation in Canada.