Mr. Speaker, I thank the hon. member for his question. Even 1% would be too much. There is no question about that.
While these inmates are in prison they receive treatment. There is a careful release planning. They move from maximum security to medium security to minimum security, then to a half-way house. They are supervised and observed at all stages. If the individual is known to be at risk or thought to be at risk they are not released. That is an important factor to take into consideration. It is a graduated movement through various security levels into the community.
It is eminently better than having them serve their full sentence and then bang, out on the street, like a caged animal most likely to behave in a much more serious manner than perhaps the 10% who do manage to reoffend. It may be a small offence or whatever but they are very strict on them.
I have heard from some of these offenders today in our committee. For a very slight offence they are back in. They may have consumed a glass of alcohol and they are back in prison.