Mr. Speaker, as you know, the Irish were one of the four founding cultures of Canada in 1867; not two but four. This historical fact is clearly symbolized on Canada's coat of arms, which includes the Royal Harp of Tara and the Shamrock.
Indeed, the very ceiling of the House of Commons is fine hand-painted Irish linen.
Several million Canadians proudly claim some Irish ancestry, including 40% of Quebecers. Clearly Irish Canadians have made and continue to make important contributions in every field of endeavour in Canadian society.
To the wonderful people of Ireland we send our prayers for a true and lasting peace with equality and justice for all. To the people of Ireland and Canada, may I say a Happy St. Patrick's Day, Joyeuse Saint-Patrice, Bannocktu Na Failee Padriq Oriv Gu Layer.