It is perfectly clear. It is simple. It cannot be revoked after all of that.
A person would have to have 50 law degrees to figure out what on earth that says. Let it be perfectly clear, this is what this is all about. There is more gobbledegook in this piece of legislation. There is more muffle buffle jumble bumble than we can imagine. If one has a well paid tax lawyer or a very experienced tax adviser, one can buffalo almost anybody into saying this should be deducted, that should be deducted, and so on. It is like I am reading from some sort of tragicomedy.
I could read tens of thousands of other pages, but I would challenge every one of the bright MPs in this building to say that they understand even one page of the tax act. I know nobody here is able to. The ones who are not here today, maybe they are the intelligent ones.
Those who have to deal with this tax act will be unanimous in saying that no one knows what the hell it says.